Benefits of walking: Does walking can improve your health?

Benefits of walking: Does walking can improve your health?
Walking might be the least popular form of exercise. Most people don’t even consider walking as exercise. Well, it is certainly true that even running causes more muscles to work together and with more energy. But walking has its important benefits. Running is more physically tiring so people say that it is a better workout. If you follow that herd of people then definitely you are missing out on an incredible physical activity in which your mental state gets better in a positive way too.

Health benefits of walking
We are not going to discuss the physics of walking today as you readers have already assumed. We are going to talk about the benefits of walking.
Be physically fit
This one is an obvious benefit but hold on there is much more to it. Walking helps you to burn calories. Regular walking for 7000-8000 steps can burn your fat and make you slimmer and fit. Daily walking also increases the metabolism rate of your body which is very essential in older age. You can make it more complicated and more effective by walking faster uphill areas. From some studies, we saw that walking can help to reduce your blood sugar. You can even walk after your meal. Walking can also help protect the joints of the bones in your body such as your knees and hips. It helps to lubricate and strengthen the muscles around the joints. It can also relieve arthritis patients as it can reduce their pain. Waking 5-6 hours can prevent diseases like arthritis. So physically walking is a very effective exercise.
Walking increase productivity
If you are feeling tired and thinking of having something to get some energy can walking can be the perfect solution. It may not sound effective but walking can help you to Boost Your energy since it increases oxygen flow and the level of some hormones named cortisol, epinephrine, norepinephrine, etc. These are going to help you to be more productive and supply you with the necessary energy to finish your pending tasks.
Read: High cholesterol? causes and risk of high cholesterol.
Improve your mental health state

Walk with your partner
Walking can improve your mental health and this will help you in many ways such as it can reduce your anxiety depression and negativities. It can also improve your self-esteem. As you walk and observe nature and your surrounding you may notice many more things which can stir up your thought process in a positive way and overall improve your mental health state. And when you walk with a specific target, this habit changes your mindset making you more focused on your goals. Goals may seem easier to reach.
Live more
Walking more can reduce the risk of immature death and extend your life. Because it helps you to become physically fit and mentally better and also it boosts Your immunity by reducing the chances of various diseases such as arthritis. It also improves your breathing system so you can work more. You will also sleep better at night if you regularly walk which is important for living a healthy way.
Get toned muscular legs
Walking can help you to improve the strength of your legs. As you walk fast in an uphill area or an inclined place, your leg muscles will be tighter and stronger resulting in toned legs which are attractive and also boost your stamina to do physical tasks.
Think more creatively
If you walk through a park or a natural green area It may help you to clear your mind. And you will be able to think more creative things. If you are stuck at doing something try taking a break and going for a walk. It will clear your head and also help you to be physically fit.

Walking is an exercise
Reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease
Walking lowers the level of your blood sugar so it helps to reduce the risk of diabetes. If you worked at least 30 minutes per day your risk of heart-related disease will decrease by about 19%. If you work more than that then the risk may reduce even more. Diabetes is a very common disease in our country and one of the main reasons is uncontrolled diet habits and not doing enough physical activity. Simple tasks like walking to the officer walking during break time can reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Longer walks can even prevent these long-term diseases. To get a habit of walking, one should walk at least 1 hour twice a week.
Improve your digestion
If you are thinking that your tea or coffee is what is helping your digestive system to be strong then hold on, I have something more effective for you. Because if you walk regularly this can directly influence your bowel movements as it utilizes core and abdominal muscles. We all know the importance of a healthy more muscular digestive system.

Keep mineral water when walking
Suffice it to say, walking is one of the most important exercises among all hard work, gymnasium type exercises. Though it seems so simple, it is effective enough to maintain the fitness of the body. Throughout walking, the metabolism rate of the body increases, and it helps to maintain good blood circulation for the whole body. Walking is a simple health behavior that can reduce chronic disease and ameliorate rising health care costs. In every sort of medication or relaxation, walking is included as the primary part.

Drink water when walking
Surprisingly, only walking can change the whole body shape for getting a healthy life. As the human body tends to get used to physical activities, though, in modern times, we barely work hard, walking can help us in every way. So from now, we all should start walking more and more. As we are passing through a really tough time now because of the Covid-19 virus and we should stay at home so I would not recommend going out for a walk. Instead, walk on your roof or around your house for now.
Writer: Araf Hossain
University Student, BD
Edited By: AL-Resalat
BA, MA In English, BD